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The 13 Best Werewolf Movies of All Time - Scary Lycanthrope Films

The 13 Best Werewolf Movies of All Time - Scary Lycanthrope Films. A look at the best genre films that get a little hairy! #horrorgram #article #horrorarticle #horror #werewolves

The Werewolf may be the least over-used mythical monster in the horror pantheon, despite it’s popularity in the genre. Your are more likely to see a vampire or zombie gracing your screen than you are a werewolf, and this may very well be down to the cost to do so. Whilst Vampires can be near indistinctable from humans, and Zombies can be made up with a touch of makeup, werewolves require a touch more attention. However, there are plenty of Werewolf movies out there, but not all of them are cut from the same cloth. Today, we are looking at the best Werewolf movies that managed to entertain, and scare in equal measures. Here are The 13 Best Werewolf Movies of All Time.

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